Shuku Blai
A coil weave basket, commonly known as shuku blai . Shuku blai is a Temne name for a type of finely made and ornamented coil-weave basket, often made by women and used for keeping valuable objects safe. This example uses red, black, and yellow fibre to produce a pattern of alternating vertical stripes.
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Further Information
- Type: Containers, vessels
- Object: Shuku Blai
- Materials: Vegetable, organic fibre
- Culture Group: Other
- Dimensions: 80mm [H] x 185mm [D]
- Production Date: Pre 1936
- Associated Places: Unknown
- Associated People: Dr E A C Langton (Donor)
- Museum: Brighton Museum and Art Gallery
- Accession Number: BMAG:R4065/3
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