Limba instrumental item
Ethnomusicological sound recording made by Cootje van Oven. Limba instrumental item, by one inkali and two ban. The inkali is a hollow log with length-wise slits, beaten with two sticks - in this case soft-headed sticks. The ban is a big wooden cylindrical drum with two drumskins. One of these two ban is played just with one stick, although in a later piece the ropes on its rib are also hit with a second stick. The other ban has a trough-shaped piece of metal fastened to its ropes; one of its drumskins is beaten with a stick and the piece of metal with a metal beater. Tightening the ban drumskins between pieces is sometimes done near a fire (possible to get even greater tightness when skins and ropes contract in cooling down?). Both ban are roughly the same size - 19" deep and 14" in diameter. The inkali is 34" long and 9" in diameter.
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Further Information
- Type: Sound Recording, Musical instruments
- Object: Limba instrumental item
- Materials: No Data / Other
- Culture Group: Limba
- Dimensions: No Data
- Production Date: 1967.01.14
- Associated Places: Freetown [Place Recorded]
- Associated People: Cootje van Oven [Sound Recordist]; Herb Clark [Sound Recordist]; Brimah Conteh [Inkali player]; Sorie Sesay and Sorie Kamara [Ban Players]
- Museum: Cootje Van Oven Collection
- Accession Number: CVO:300
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Limba instrumental item
Sound Recording, Musical instruments
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Sound Recording, Musical instruments
Limba song
Sound Recording, Musical instruments
Limba song
Sound Recording, Musical instruments
Limba song
Sound Recording, Musical instruments