Sowei Mask
A carved wooden helmet mask used by the exclusively female Sande (Mende) or Bondo/Bundu (Temne) societies. The mask is traditionally worn by a high-ranking member of the society, the dancing sowei , known as the ndoli jowei among the Mende or a-Nowo among the Temne. Worn with a raffia costume, the masks typically have a polished black finish, with neck rings, elaborate coiffure and dignified facial expression. This example has varnished metal strips running along the three ridges of the hairstyle. The style of carving resembles that from the Pujehun district in south-east Sierra Leone, though the Glasgow Museums catalogue states that is comes from the Moyamba district, in the south-west.
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Further Information
- Type: Masks, headdresses
- Object: Sowei Mask
- Materials: Wood
- Culture Group: Other
- Dimensions: 340mm x 215mm x 196mm
- Production Date: Pre 1960
- Associated Places: Mano in Kongbora Chiefdom, Moyamba district; Mano Bonjema, Pujehun (Collected)
- Associated People: Guy Massie-Taylor (Collector)
- Museum: Glasgow Museums
- Accession Number: GLAMG:A.1985.13.h
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Masks, headdresses
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Masks, headdresses
Sowei Mask
Masks, headdresses
Sowei Mask
Masks, headdresses